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January 30, 2024 at 5:37 pm
oh Boy this cu*t tries so hard to find excuses to support Israel.
January 30, 2024 at 5:37 pm
0 seconds ago
1. Don't vote for candidates with dual-citizenship.
2. Don't vote for candidates who receive the majority money from corporations, PACs, lobbies
3. Don't vote for anyone who has accepted money/donations from AIPAC (or those affiliated).
4. (Local elections) Don't vote for people that you dont know/have just moved into your community, with few ties to it.
5. If there are no suitable candidates, don't vote. #Abstain
The Israeli government has dissolved into a subhuman mess, at it's attempting to take our country into another war. Our people here do not support this genocide in Palestine, the problem is our government, "mainstream" media and corporations are corrupt. It's not party based, they all get paid by the same entity.
January 30, 2024 at 5:37 pm
if biden supports israel can we really trust them
January 30, 2024 at 5:37 pm
0:28 laughed at the face, it appears the guy told Biden, no more diaper changes.
January 30, 2024 at 5:37 pm
When Master Mumbler says you are not alone, you are far worse than alone. The proof is in the pudding, and Joe slipped on the pudding.
January 30, 2024 at 5:37 pm
1.8 billion muslims. 16 million jews. Yet, muslims are being bullied? Not how that works. 🇮🇱
January 30, 2024 at 5:37 pm
I am a Chinese and we are not to believe anything but the CCP. I had no much concept about any religion. But after seeing Thousands of American lost their lives in 9–11 and Boston bombing, and the horrendous genocide Hamas committed in Israel, I made a decision. The Muslim successfully convinced me to have a very negative view on them and I am not apologetic!
January 30, 2024 at 5:37 pm
May you rot in hell
January 30, 2024 at 5:37 pm
How can you support both sides here by giving billions of dollars to Iran and now tell Israel we got your back? Such double standards. Obama and Biden playing both sides.
January 30, 2024 at 5:37 pm
Hopefully it is time for people to realize that something is horribly wrong – something that has blocked the hearts of many people and effects people's minds in ways that make them blindly believe, or go along with, or ignore and neglect things they normally wouldn't. I strongly feel that our core problem is the mass distribution of pharmaceutical that block our hearts and numb our minds, as well as certain frequencies of radio waves that can actually brainwash people. I feel that, if this problem did not exist, the Palestinian people would have gotten the safety and justice they should have had decades ago. And Israel would not have the support it does.
January 30, 2024 at 5:37 pm
Biden make profit of this war. The weapon company make so much money
January 30, 2024 at 5:37 pm
Screw you Joe Biden, and screw you ABC. Both are out of touch with reality.
January 30, 2024 at 5:37 pm
Its a horribly sad situation when the victims of brutality are painted out to be the bad guys, so that the brutes can continue hurting or controlling them and others. Unfortunately there is a lot of this sort of deception happening in our world, and it is very effective when the victims react negatively to the abuse. It appears that this is what Israel is doing in it's war against the Palestinian people and their chosen leader – Hamas…
Many media reports have been stating that this war started with Hamas attacking Israel on October 7th, but this is not true. Israel's leaders have been at war against the Palestinian people for many decades and has, through brute force, been gaining complete control of the Palestinian lands for many decades.
Israel and some news reports claim that Hamas is a "terrorist" group, but it appears that this is also not true. According to many reports from other nations; Hamas is a military group that has been fighting for freedom for the Palestinian people to be able to live in what remains of their own homeland without it being taken over or controlled by Israel.
The anger/pain of the Palestinian people is VERY understandable to anyone who looks at the historical facts and has a heart. Some of their ways of fighting for freedom have been cruel. But, to be fair, we must step back and look at what drove them to it…
According to historical reports; the current Israelian people are mostly Jewish immigrants who moved to Palestine around the second world war. My heart deeply feels for them, and I'm glad the survivors of that holocaust found this safe place to move to. But it was not right for them to forcefully take over the lands and homes of the Palestinian people, in order to make Palestine their own Israel.
I can understand that the Jewish people must have needed a sense of security – a sense of having control over their own lives and homes and land, after what Hitler and his supporters did to them, but it should NOT have been gained at the expense of Palestinian lives and the theft of Palestinian homes and land. Two wrongs never made a right.
After the Jewish people forcefully took over all of Palestine, and turned it into Israel, some groups of Palestinian people became violent and were seeking revenge. These acts of vengeance were wrong too. Violence and vengeance are never OK. But the word "terrorist" seems too strong for this situation.
Throughout history many human beings, from all walks of life, have resorted to violent vengeance after their loved ones have been murdered and their homes and lands have been stolen and after they have been too wounded for their hearts to douse the rage. And none of them have been called terrorists, except for the Palestinians, that I know of.
Its easy for the initial abusers to point fingers at and blame their victims when they do not want to take responsibility for their own violent behaviors. But the truth is that such acts of vengeance are partly the responsibility of the brutes who provoke them, because they would not have happened if there had been kindness and considerate instead of violence and brute force. Violence often provokes violence.
Since the Jewish people moved to Palestine, the Palestinian people have been being repeatedly attacked – many thousands of them murdered and many thousands of them displaced from their own homeland and not allowed to return. And this is still happening today! And no matter how its looked at, it is not fair or right.
Just a few decades ago, the cruel injustice that the Israelian leaders were doing to the native Palestinian people was so obvious that, in1977 President Carter stood up for them to have part of their own homeland back. Due to his negotiations, the West Bank and the Gaza strip were returned to them. But Israel remained in control of the boarders and the air space and even its government. And Israel did not allow many thousands of displaced Palestinian people to return to their own homes.
Then Israel lost control of Gaza, when the Palestinian people elected Hamas, and battles have escalated since then, the worse being in 2014 and now. Israel very obviously wants to get rid of Hamas, and Hamas is fighting for the freedom of the Palestinian people.
The UN has tried to draw up peace agreements, but it appears that the Jewish are too wounded from what Hitler and his supporters did to them, and the Palestinian people have been too wounded by what the Jewish people have done to them. Not enough healing has taken place on either side and trust has been lost on both sides. So, peace agreements have been unsuccessful. Its a very sad and difficult situation.
In this current escalation of bloodshed, as well as in previous ones, Israel has demonstrated inhumane brute force that has no regard for the lives and wellbeing of civilian Palestinians and even seems to be intentionally killing and displacing masses of them, with bombings of residential areas. They blame Hamas for setting up bases in civilian areas, but Israel surely could use other methods to get to Hamas, rather than bombing and killing masses of civilians.
According to a news report; in the past week, Israel told Palestinian civilians to congregate in a designated safe place – South of Gaza, and then they bombed that place! No matter what excuse they give for this, it is just too horribly wrong!
Due to their history and tactics I wonder if Israel did something to instigate Hamas's October 7th attack, and/or portrayed it as being far worse than it was, just so they could justify attacking Hamas and gaining complete control of what little is left of Palestine since their invasion of it – since they turned it into Israel.
I'm glad to see that the UN, and leaders of some other countries, realize that what Israel is doing is wrong. The UN has called for a cease fire and peace, thank God. But it does not look like Israel is going to back down this time, especially since they have the backing of President Biden. I hope they are forced to cease fire. I hope President Biden changes his mind and pushes for peace instead of continuing to support Israel's war against the native Palestinian people and their beloved homeland.
If only the Jewish people had appreciated and respected Palestine's sanctuary, without wanting to brutally steal it all for themselves and turn it into their Israel. Understandably, in some minds, its all still Palestine, but because Israel is so well established, at this point, these two places will have to find a way to either peacefully unite or fairly divide the land and respect each other's boundaries and human rights. Hopefully soon, they will both agree on what is good for ALL of them.
I imagine a Palestine where all natives and the Jewish immigrants, live in peace and help each other, instead of controlling or fighting each other. This is the way it should be. Its the way it will be when both sides heal their broken hearts.
An update on Israel's current aim to destroy Hamas and kill or displace what little if left of the native Palestinian people;
Britannica's History of Palestine;
It may look like I have chosen sides in this war, but I haven't. I do not choose sides in wars, because I do not believe in wars. I am an American who stands on the side of peace and fairness and kindness and freedom. I am part Native American and part English and part French. And my spiritual beliefs are not totally in line with any religion, but include parts of many religions. I believe that every human being should have the freedom to live their own lives the way they want to, as long as it is not hurting or intruding upon anyone else.
My heart goes out to all the innocent victims who have been being hurt on both sides of Israel's war against the Palestinian people. It mostly goes out to the Palestinian people, only because they have been hurt the most in this situation and because they have been being treated unfairly for a very long time and have lost too much. What has been done to them is cruel and inhumane. It reminds me of what happened, long ago, to some of my native ancestors here in North America. And its shocking that barbaric things like this are still happening in our world – bullies cruelly attacking and then calling their victims "terrorists" or "savages," without realizing that this is a projection of their own behaviors. Who was there first and who were the cruel invading thieves who moved in to steal it all for themselves? The historical facts speak for themselves in both situations. But is it not time to stop fighting and start learning how to live together in peace, like what should have been done from the start?
I wish for the Palestinian people to be free and safe in their own homeland, and for them to heal from what has been done to them, at least enough to stop seeking vengeance…and to settle into a place of forgiveness and peace. And I wish for the Israelian people to be safe and free and healed enough to not be trying to gain complete control over other people's homes and lands, especially not through theft and murderous brute force. I hope both sides quickly find their hearts and settle into a place of peace and forgiveness.
January 30, 2024 at 5:37 pm
People america .. i dont understand… Y u stand BIDEN ?? Your leader always fool
January 30, 2024 at 5:37 pm
We support Israel 🇮🇱
January 30, 2024 at 5:37 pm
Here are ten films that provide insight into the history of the Israel-Palestine conflict.
1) Al-Nakba:
Explores the events of 1948, known as the "Nakba" or "catastrophe" for Palestinians.
2) The War in June 1967:
Examines the six-day war and its lasting impact on the region, including Israel's territorial claims and military dominance.
3) The War in October: What Happened in 1973?:
Explores the Yom Kippur War and its significance, utilizing rare film archives and interviews.
4) The Price of Oslo:
Traces the secret negotiations that led to the Oslo Accords.
5) Jerusalem: Dividing Al-Aqsa:
Explores the history and significance of the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound and its relation to Muslim and Jewish communities.
6) Palestine 1920: The Other Side of the Palestinian Story:
Provides a different perspective on Palestine's history, showcasing it as a thriving province of Greater Syria and the Ottoman Empire.
7) Gaza, Sinai and the Wall:
Discusses the impact of the 1967 war on the Gaza Strip and Sinai, as well as the Israeli occupation and the construction of a separating wall.
8) Israel's Automated Occupation:Hebron:
Examines Israeli surveillance in Hebron and Jerusalem, including AI-powered systems and their effects on Palestinians.
9) Weaponising Water in Palestine:
Explores the water crisis in Gaza caused by occupation and the climate crisis, highlighting the challenges faced by Palestinians.
10) Rebel Architecture: The architecture of violence:
Investigates how architecture contributes to Israel's occupation of Palestine and modern warfare.
#Palestine #Israel #Israel_Gaza_War
January 30, 2024 at 5:37 pm
Why keep giving Israel money. It is an illegal settler colony w/ an apartheid agenda exercising a genocidal agenda.
January 30, 2024 at 5:37 pm
Hamas's willing human shields are not innocent civilians – they are combatants, they are not hostages held at gunpoint. Satellite photos show safety, blocks away from Hamas – locals know who/where Hamas is – those shielding hamas are willing combatants!
January 30, 2024 at 5:37 pm
curl up and pass on
January 30, 2024 at 5:37 pm
We are sending $200 billion in aid. Just hold on tight. The moneys coming. It can’t be wired because there no international license. Remember Syria.