Ret. US Army Major says unidentified objects are a wake-up call for US

Ret. US Army Major Mike Lyons discusses the “great power competition” between the US and China after the US military shot down three mysterious high-altitude objects in three days. #CNN #News
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January 29, 2024 at 2:22 pm
And yet kids cannot even Easter egg hunt at the white house, without small army fire power. 😐
January 29, 2024 at 2:22 pm
Wtf is CNN using pics of the Chinese spy balloon when talking about these current uap's?
January 29, 2024 at 2:22 pm
Objects are obviously from earth you never see it travel in space meaning there is some country or civilization on earth playing with us
January 29, 2024 at 2:22 pm
The Great Balloon Panic has only made hobbyists stronger.
January 29, 2024 at 2:22 pm
I know one thing…a legit alien space ship would not have strings hanging on the edges of the ship. They just don't do that, it's too ghetto.
January 29, 2024 at 2:22 pm
I hope everyone knows,all these objects are not balloons…..What they are doing is called,Backpeddling….We've had objects of unknown origin flying in our air space for years now and it's been covered up inside the Pentagon…Our military sees them everyday but reporting them only went so far up the chain….To only meet a road block 🚧 🚫 ..True Facts
January 29, 2024 at 2:22 pm
U.S.A time to fly balloon back to china
January 29, 2024 at 2:22 pm
Believe when I say everyone got a wake up call with Biden as president
January 29, 2024 at 2:22 pm
So they shoot down 3 unknown objects.
They chose where and when to shoot these down.
Which gave them more than enough time to have bodies on the ground in the Vicinity of where they were expected to land.
January 29, 2024 at 2:22 pm
Our incompetent military hasn't got the brains to find an object sitting on the frozen ice in Alaska. They are too afraid to tell the truth.
January 29, 2024 at 2:22 pm
99 luftballons
January 29, 2024 at 2:22 pm
On Monday, Dagbladet (Newspaper) says that the Norwegian authorities have observed balloons of unknown origin over Norwegian territory. It was Defense Minister Bjørn Arild Gram who has confirmed this.
January 29, 2024 at 2:22 pm
Shooting balloons are free advertisement for NORAD to raise fund. 2022 Canada, front yard of US, gave NORAD $70 billions to upgrade existing defence against northern missile attack. But hypersonic missiles can attack US from east, west and south. Therefore NORAD needs trillions in order to install defence on both coasts of North, South Americas and the Caribbeans, back yard of US.
January 29, 2024 at 2:22 pm
CNN making it up for the demonrats as it goes on
January 29, 2024 at 2:22 pm
Are they the orbs?. it has been awhile, yet to identify. They must be UFO's.
January 29, 2024 at 2:22 pm
The fact is, aliens (our creators) are here in abundance right now to stop the human species from destroying the Earth's environment. As we near the very edge of potentially doing this with our nuclear weaponry their presence is becoming more and more noticeable. Regarding the mentioned balloon and objects, we will have to wait and see. While they probably have no connection to alien activity, they might also have been deliberately placed by aliens and allowed to be shot down as a pre-warning of what's to come if we don't refrain from our evil intentions towards each other, The bottom line is, right now anything is possible…
January 29, 2024 at 2:22 pm
I might be misremembering this, but just a moment ago some politicians said we should just shoot things down when they enter our namespace. Now instead we should be studying them. We're so fickle.
January 29, 2024 at 2:22 pm
It's as if we lost 4 years worth of national security and foreign policy during the Trump Administration years.
January 29, 2024 at 2:22 pm
January 29, 2024 at 2:22 pm
The US will never risk millions of dollars worth of fighter to check out on these objects if they were just weather balloons. The first one was a cover-up as a weather balloon from China but now there are too many to blame China for weather or spy balloons as they are of different shapes. China may have conceded that the first was their weather ballon but is it really? They may think it is theirs but with so many in the skies, do u think China will release so many when its first was shot? The US can only know whose they belong to if they can get one..
January 29, 2024 at 2:22 pm
It's called confusing the issue, I believe. Then again, both journalists (to use term loosely), and retired military generals can be pretty freaking dumb…
January 29, 2024 at 2:22 pm
Right and if they were private air traffic would already have known about them
January 29, 2024 at 2:22 pm
And we're, s the supper power on sevilians
January 29, 2024 at 2:22 pm
Anyone else notice the blonde reporters pupils change shape 🤔 between her blinking
January 29, 2024 at 2:22 pm
While Chinese reconnaissance vehicles are flying over our territory, we will supply Ukraine with the following air defense systems . Of course, why think about the security of your own country when you can sponsor a war on a foreign continent and put good money in your pocket for it 😡😡🤦♀️
January 29, 2024 at 2:22 pm
Maybe a 611 to distract citizens from $ collapse.
January 29, 2024 at 2:22 pm
And then all of a certain there were quite a few of flying objects flying around two countries. What is going on ? Conspiracy theory is in the air also.
January 29, 2024 at 2:22 pm
The Republicans are so f******nutty
January 29, 2024 at 2:22 pm
The worldly balloons were shot down – the 'out of world' other things just sped away in warp speed…
January 29, 2024 at 2:22 pm
How about you jokers cover the US destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline instead !
January 29, 2024 at 2:22 pm
Can you imagine what will happen when this actually happens. You know when it's not just a distraction from the real issues we face.
January 29, 2024 at 2:22 pm
Why is the world so silent about the most disgusting m…assacre in the World's history made by Ukrainians against Poles. Does the world know about M…..assacres in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia 43-45?
The Volhynian m….assacres –were anti-Polish g…enocidal ethnic cl..eansings conducted by ukr..ainian nationalists. The m…assacres took place within Poland’s borders as of the outbreak of WWII, and not only in Volhynia, but also in other areas with a mixed Polish-Ukrainian population, especially the Lvov, Tarnopol, and Stanisławów voivodeships (that is, in Eastern Galicia), as well as in some voivodeships bordering on Volhynia (the western part of the Lublin Voivodeship and the northern part of the Polesie Voivodeship – see map). The time frame of these massacres was 1943−1945. The perpetrators were the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists−Bandera faction (OUN-B) and its military wing, called the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA). Their documents show that the planned extermination of the Polish population was called an “anti-Polish operation.” Ukrainian neighbours killed mostly Polish children, Woman, especially pregnant, unarmed elders… Posh Men were fighting on battlefields that time… The Ukrainian murders were committed with incredible cruelty. Many were burnt alive or thrown into wells. Axes, pitchforks, scythes, knives and other farming tools rather than guns were used in an attempt to make the massacres look like a spontaneous peasant uprising… especially they killed children, women and elders… mutilated, chopped their head, cut their bellies, put live kittens and sew it.. etc This genocide get special status : "genocidum atrox" – most horrified in the human history…
January 29, 2024 at 2:22 pm
Fake alien invasion will be used by the Deep State because they're desperate.
Don't be afraid, don't fall into their trap. The liberation is near, the storm is coming.
January 29, 2024 at 2:22 pm
China must understand a lot of things have been going on [nearing 12 o'clock] also there are UAP's/ equiv worldwide
timeline whereby — data
utmost realization now the importance of it
imperatively for every country to embrace true assurances — the people°
need to shared by everyone for an increased chances of potential spread
also to avoid premature saturation point
nonetheless |
°e > m stays |
January 29, 2024 at 2:22 pm
The Question that needs to be asked, is what is the unidentified Thing operating in the White House , but I doubt the potential
Of the Crap News Network has the capability to figure that out.
January 29, 2024 at 2:22 pm
This is ironic, that the NORAD failed, CIA failed, NSA, pentagon are busy playing golf,we are hearing the stories of UFOs,we have a very old man commander in chief, are the Chinese spies probing the United States air defence? This is a joke, the Chinese spies are all over the United States buying properties in all the states,then you have American Chinese stealing military secrets and passing it to their masters in the mainland, the United States security has been highly compromised, we hope we don't end up with our pants down like ww2 when the Japanese payed us visit…
January 29, 2024 at 2:22 pm
My two real brother amercia for this i love amercia t u
January 29, 2024 at 2:22 pm
Good that amercian bumber shout down thisbloom